Artist Statement: My objective with through textile art is to convey the preciousness of a finite resource through the methodical process of weaving; Time. Time, how do we use this gift with intention? What do we take for granted in terms of time well spent, time wasted or time to devote a purpose, a meaning as to why we are here on this Earth? I chose to create beauty with my time, and I aspire to leave an imprint with my life as one that beautified the world through this ancient tradition of bringing forth matter thread by thread. Textiles are a tactile art form, one that has shaped humanity and permitted our evolution through the thousands of years. I aspire to connect the world in the only way I can, through my individual touch and the textile tactile form is transmission.

My objective with my functional artwork is to reinvigorate the daily interaction with cloth and transform the persona so one becomes art everyday. Our modern society is so used to machine made, mass produced garments that many can’t identify what type of fiber is worn, or, remember how interwoven we are with Earth. I aim to inspire clients to make that visual, visceral connection when they adorn themselves with my work.

What if the act of clothing oneself in objects of art spawns a more embodied confidence so as one walks in the world, they feel more freedom to stand out rather than to blend in? We are all unique as our thumbprints, and through this distinction of how we chose to express & how we shine, we feel the thread of humanity that each and every person here wants to be seen, felt and heard.

Bio: Rhiannon is a textile artist & jewelry designer based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her weaving practice and area of focus is rooted in Saori, Japanese Zen Weaving which she has been engaged in since 2013. Rhiannon’s original creative practice in beadwork & fine jewelry provided with her a focused, quiet discipline to launch into Fine Art & Wearable Art Textiles. Her Mexican, Tohono O’odham & Spanish ancestry act as the portal that informs her weaving practice while embracing the cultural arts of these lineages in a modern way. Her textiles are collected globally and many clients commission bespoke works to imbue both their wardrobes & homes. She is happiest weaving textiles that reflect the unique landscapes she travels too, often drawn to unusual geological forms. She engages in natural dyeing, utilizes sustainable fibers as often as possible & believes that handwoven textiles thoughtfully made, are objects of art to bring back the old ways of slower living.